Enjoy your individual meal for €12.90 and the Cypriot meze with your friends for €40


No matter if our next trips are controversial, no matter if there is concern about the future… we do not give up and continue to live in the present and travel to Cyprus, through the Cypriot meze!

Frutti di Mare hits the crisis of the last months head on, presenting 2 new menus. These are 2 specially designed and refined menus, with even friendlier prices, that you will love!

In Menu 1 (€12.90), our delicious fish soup appears, together with the fluffy fish fillet, accompanied by the salad and farewell with the dessert. This menu is just for you! However, if you are one of the lovers of traveling with friends, you will be able to “visit” Cyprus, through the Cypriot meze – Menu 2 (€40).

With your company you will share the gourmet experience of the 12 dishes included in this menu. The protagonist here could not be any other than the halloumi, while our two favorite dishes are the musky mussel pilaf and the modern wrapped shrimp.


Individual Menu 1 (12,90€)

fish soup
single serving salad
fish fillet

Cypriot Mezes- Menu2 (40,00€)
4 deeps (taramas, tzatziki, crab salad, htipiti)
garlic butter shrimp
clam chowder
fried squid
shrimp roll
green salad
fish balls

Book a table !


Phone: +30 2310 239100